Call for More Information: 860-460-1193

Build Capable Leaders. Strengthen teams. Support Employees

My engaging training programs promote a respectful workplace, enhance leadership skills, strengthen teams, and promote employee well-being. Pricing is determined after the initial consultation.

My training includes the following:

Who You Are Matters

Facilitated conversations for team building and supporting diversity, equity, and inclusivity initiatives. My facilitated conversations create a safe space for teams to collaborate, understand each other better, and embrace diversity. By improving communication and relationships, I help build a more inclusive work environment.

Promoting Civility in the Workplace

Foster a respectful workplace culture with my strategies and tools for conflict resolution, difficult conversations, and mutual respect. Enhancing civility creates a harmonious atmosphere and boosts employee well-being.

Leadership Development Program utilizing the Highlands Ability Battery and WYAM

My Leadership Development Program combines personalized assessments using the Highlands Ability Battery and the Who You Are Matters approach. Uncover your unique strengths and talents while developing crucial leadership skills.

State of CT Mandated Prevention of Sexual Harassment Training

Stay compliant with the State of CT regulations by providing comprehensive sexual harassment prevention training. Equip your employees with the knowledge to recognize, prevent, and address sexual harassment, ensuring a safe work environment.

Developing Good Mental Health in the Workplace – for Employees and Managers

Managers will understand what good mental health is and gain the knowledge and skills necessary to promote it.

Take Charge Today

Empower yourself and seize control of your professional journey for a future filled with success and fulfillment. Call for more information.