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Marcus was working for a construction company, setting up and moving Jersey concrete road barriers, in the cold, dark New England nights. This was not work he wanted to continue doing. He was very unhappy, so he quit. However, he quickly took an equally difficult job. Be careful not to take the first job that presents itself. It’s a costly way to figure out what you don’t want to do.

After graduating from a small private secondary school, Marcus enrolled in a liberal arts college four hours away on a wrestling scholarship. He knew early on that this wasn’t the right fit for him, so he withdrew. He decided to put his education on hold and work full-time until he figured out a plan for his future. The problem was, he was a little lost. We discussed the whole picture of his life and what he wanted. Marcus decided to take the Highlands Ability Battery to deepen his understanding of himself and generate options for his future. In the meantime, he took a position in a high-end restaurant, which was a good fit for his interest in fine dining. The pace was fast, and it provided a steady and secure income. He considered staying in this field and increasing his skill set so he could move into managing and/or owning a restaurant.

Marcus’s HAB revealed that he was naturally hard-wired to identify and solve problems in a continuous and rapid manner. Setting up jersey concrete barriers was the antithesis of this. Additionally, Marcus’s scores indicated that investigative and planning roles were good fits for his abilities. Marcus had been considering applying for the police academy with the longer-term goal of becoming a detective. His very relaxed and gracious demeanor would also be an asset in this field, where the ability to de-escalate situations is highly valued. He began seriously applying to roles and researched how to enroll in an online criminal justice program.

Our work helped Marcus gain a clearer understanding of himself and generated viable future options. Clarity increases the chance that you will be able to get what you want for your life. The last time we spoke, Marcus told me he was accepted into the police academy, which was cause for celebration.

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